Group and Individual Training, Facilitation and Coaching
Happier, better prepared and more fulfilled employees reach for bigger goals. Make stronger decisions. And accomplish more. They also inspire and support the people around them.
But creating a pleasant, productive environment that nurtures these workers doesn’t happen by accident. It’s a deliberate, thoughtful process. And that’s where Lorenzo Jones Consulting can help.
Who we work with
At LJC, we partner with forward-thinking executives and organizations across the country, including government, nonprofit and international corporations.
We welcome clients to positive, productive trainings at our Northern California headquarters or travel to your office or chosen location to provide transformational services on site.

Micro-inequities that hold back our society and businesses have long been overlooked. But we can no longer ethically or financially afford to undervalue employees in underrepresented groups.
Let us guide you in implementing change in your organization, with a variety of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) tools. Our program helps you recognize bias, foster productivity and restore opportunity and fairness to all staff, including those with physical, psychological or social differences.
For example, we recently launched DEI initiatives with a regional financial institution. After town hall meetings for staff, we surveyed employees to gather perceptions on the bank’s current diversity efforts. Then focus groups dove further into employees’ ideas, followed by working groups to create action plans for senior management and board approval. The result—a platform for an inclusive business environment and more diverse upper-level executive team.
Police reform
Lorenzo Jones Consulting (LJC) has worked with city governments to update policing procedures. In a recent project, we brought together a broad task force, from community members and elected officials to city administrators and the police and fire departments. Together we examined and revised Police Use of Force policies formerly approved by the police union and town council.
For this Northern California city, we are also facilitating a social justice circle with law enforcement to discuss conscious, unconscious and implicit bias.
Community engagement
The powerful medium of public art calls attention to and advocates for social justice and change. LJC led conversations between the community and city government to establish a public art program focused on social justice, equity and inclusion.
We’ve been privileged to mediate discussions about racial equity initiatives and to support communities as they discover new ways to highlight and amplify diversity and inclusion.

Lorenzo is launching Eden Housing’s DEI program and serving as its interim director. The nonprofit provides affordable housing to 22,000 underserved residents across California.
Selected DEI Projects
Program Launch
Bank of Marin
Nelson Staffing
Eden Housing
Connection and Communication

Lorenzo, as keynote speaker, salutes 2021 Best of the Best award winners
Rob Devincenzi, president and publisher of Marin Independent Journal, introduces Lorenzo at the virtual celebration of local businesses voted the best by the Marin County community. Lorenzo often speaks on leadership development, motivation and inspiration, diversity and inclusion, business development for small businesses and executive coaching. He is at work on a book about mindful, intentional ways to “bring the party” and be the best in your field.
Corporate Leadership Summits and Retreats
Conveying big ideas
Get a custom–designed program to meet your company and staff objectives. We work with you to identify your goals for the event and clarify the skills and knowledge you’d like attendees to take away.
Every summit or retreat is a warm, enjoyable discussion on:
Connection – helping participants find new ways to connect with one another, professionally and personally. This promotes future collaboration, interaction and meaningful engagement.
Innovation – redirecting competitive high achievers from individual competition to creative and collaborative outcomes. Thought-provoking activities and conversations challenge their innate resistance to changing traditional business models.
Clarity – crafting clear communication on company culture, expectations and direction. Here’s where we learn to clearly convey what’s happening now, the direction the organization wants to go and how it supports its ultimate goal.
Commitment – sending attendees back to work with a strong sense of commitment. They deepen their dedication to advancing cooperative, innovative goals while focusing on a primary result.
Contact us to discuss your goals and thoughts for an inspiring, transformative retreat for your group. We’re happy to share ideas and see what’s available on our calendar. Get in touch early as dates tend to fill up.

Simple, powerful communication tip
Leadership and Coaching

Leadership Training and Development
Cultivating and empowering leaders
Are your managers effectively planning, directing, motivating and holding employees accountable for results? This in-house training is appropriate for all levels of management in the organization.
In one-on-one and group sessions we support and train managers and help them develop their personal leadership style, as well as a foundation for the achievement of their personal, departmental and organizational objectives.
Among our training topics:
- Strategic planning
- Interviewing
- Coaching and motivation
- Change management
- Delegating and managing responsibilities
- Dealing with difficult employees
Individual Management and Executive Coaching
Strengthening and developing managers
In our coaching role, we shine a light on the individual to help them recognize and maximize their strengths. As guide and supporter, we also help a manager develop new strengths and achieve measurable results in their day-to-day, face-to-face leadership.
Well beyond straightforward instructions, coaching builds healthy attitudes, discipline, morale, ethics and often a career development path.
In addition to managing talent, organizations need tools for handling conflict. Restructuring is one instance that creates stress and conflict due to change. We provide managers with additional skills and backing to lead their teams through challenging and turbulent times, including ways to predict how each employee will respond to stress and conflict.
Fortify Your Company with In-House Coaches
Engage your leaders, multiply successes
In our Train the Internal Coach® training, we help you tip the scales in your company by helping your staff supply consistent, ongoing mentorship and coaching. They’ll learn to use tools that motivate and inspire employees for improved performance and accountability.
This program is an investment in and vote of confidence for the executives, leaders, managers and HR professionals you select to participate.
Topics your leaders will learn:
- How to engage, coach and develop your staff for greater productivity
- Listening, questioning, trust and accountability exercises
- Motivational techniques and trainings
- How to support team development through a formal coaching and mentoring approach
- 12 proven methods for improving delegation, trust, coping with stress and relaying negative feedback
Choose a Train the Internal Coach® program
- At your site, exclusively for your managers
- A multi-company, shared program held at our corporate location
Team Development and Training

Teamwork Builders and Blockers
Develop trust, communication and accountability
Are team members aligned and rowing in the right direction? Are they accountable for results?
Our LJC team development program addresses the blockers and builders of team success. Trust, communication and accountability are the foundation for an effective team. So here, we foster unfiltered debate, defuse conflict and encourage trust. Team members learn to support the team’s direction when they are heard and understood.
Instead of placing blame on others or relying on excuses to avoid responsibilities, engaged team members can embrace the group’s goals and priorities and step up to accountability.
Strategy Management for Teams
Navigating and embracing change
This positive, proven training and change management process guides teams through goal setting and team efficiency exercises.
The sessions help employees align team and individual goals, adapt to new directions and understand organizational performance expectations. We help teams improve their communication, accountability, trust of fellow team members, planning and execution skills.
Also included, our assessment of the leadership team and key employees to identify natural strengths, performance weakness, culture-fit, developmental needs and job expectations.
The process
- Two-day training – we assess the team’s business model and annual goals. Focus is on trust, communication, accountability, planning and results.
- One-day follow-up session – reconvene one month later for participant presentations on how they’ll use the planning process and dashboard to accomplish their goals.
- Quarterly team meetings – a continuation of accountability reports.
- Individual coaching – enhance team achievements with improved individual performances.
The Science of Hiring

Hiring Assessment Training
How to interview better and hire smarter
We use the PXT Select™ system to give you an interviewing and hiring advantage. The process measures a candidate’s thinking style, behaviors and interests, and evaluates how they would approach situations in the workplace.
The suite of PXT Select reports helps beyond selection and onboarding to assist in coaching and developing employees to their full potential.
Sophisticated candidate assessments allow you to:
- Tailor your interview questions
- Make confident hiring choices, even among multiple candidates
- Match candidates and employees to best positions
- Project how a candidate will fit in a team
- Help managers retain talent
- Share feedback with an applicant
- Tailor coaching advice to each employee
- Assess leadership potential
Is PXT Select Solutions right for your organization? Reach out and we’ll get right back to you for an overview of how it might fit your unique situation.
Conflict Resolution

Restorative Justice and Transformation for Organizations
Create respectful, enjoyable, productive workplaces
When relationships break down in the workplace, it shows up as conflict, employee turnover, non-supportive behaviors, not following organizational guidelines, gossip, poor management and discrimination.
The costs to the organization are high—in dollars, time, productivity and even reputation. Traditional approaches are only temporary remedies.
Our work identifies the source beliefs and harmful behaviors that cause the emotional impacts. The ones that sabotage personal and organizational well-being, productivity and high function.
At LJC we empower all employees to speak their truths and participate in healing an organization’s culture. Through accountability and transparency, we bring people together to repair and restore relationships. Results? Personal and organizational transformation, via a more effective and much less costly approach than traditional conflict resolution techniques.
Restorative justice, the philosophy and social movement
A great success in criminal justice systems, communities, institutions, workplaces and schools worldwide, restorative justice is a proven approach.
It productively addresses the impacts of crime, harm, victimization and breakdowns in communication. This inclusive process creates satisfying, lasting and positive changes in relationships among individuals and communities.
Social Justice and DEI